Touring Groups (ABC)

To book one of our touring groups please contact Erin Mortenson in our Public Relations Office at 905-433-1144 ext 210, or email

There are three student touring groups at Kingsway College - Aerials, Band, and Choir (ABC). Members of each group are selected after an audition process. What an awesome way to participate in a group, develop your God-given talents, and have fun, all at the same time!

Aerials Gymnastic Team

If you like gymnastics, you’ll love the Aerials!  While no academic credit is given, students still love the challenge of learning skills and working with their team.  The Aerials also travel extensively throughout Ontario and beyond, and they usually conduct Sabbath services in a church prior to a performance on Saturday nights.  Once a year they also present their “Homeshow” for the school family and a large local crowd.


The Kingsway College Symphonic Band regularly takes top honours in the Durham Region Kiwanis competition, held on the KC campus.  In addition to performing on campus for school events and a few times a year for church services, the Band also tours an average of two weekends per month during second semester, traveling mainly to SDA churches in Ontario, as well as a couple longer trips outside the province and/or Canada during school breaks.  Two concerts at “home” round out the year’s activities.  (Academic credit given.)



The Kingsway Symphonic Choir enjoys a busy touring schedule throughout the year, and sings approximately once per month at College Park Church, Kingsway's “home” church.  During second semester, the choir also tours an average of two weekends per month to churches in Ontario, with one larger tour outside Ontario, usually during March Break.  (Academic credit given.)