2025 Belize Mission Trip

Service Not Fame

What a wonderful God we serve! Though He is worthy of all praise, worship, and service, Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve, thus showing to mankind the perfect model of loving expression: SERVICE


This Mission TRIP’s TEAM is currently full

As part of the school's mission to help young people become productive and involved community citizens wherever they go, Kingsway College provides mission trip opportunities to different parts of the world to help others and to gain a greater appreciation for the world we all share, which God has created. The planned mission trip for 2025 is to Santa Elena, Belize.

Our mission efforts will go towards the Billy White SDA school just outside of Santa Elena, a town in west central Belize, close to the Guatemala border. It is about a 2 hour drive from Belize city, where the airport is located. Belize is the country with the smallest population in Central America, and it is the only English speaking country in Central America, though most of its immigrant population speaks Spanish.

On January 25, 2025, thirty students and staff from Kingsway College will travel to Santa Elena for 12 days to complete phase 2 of the eating pavilion construction for this growing school. As in previous trips, the Kingsway group will work on the building project and provide assistance in the local community. The total cost for this trip is CAD $60,000. 100% of all funds raised will go toward the necessary building materials to finish the construction of the eating pavilion building of block walls, metal roof, windows, doors, cement floor, landscaping, airline tickets, food and transportation costs.

TOTAL COST per students: Approximately CAD $2,200

Students must have completed their 2024-2025 re-application and be financially cleared to reserve a space and start fundraising.

More information on meetings, Packing List, Safety Tips and More Coming soon

Payment Schedule

  • June 14 $600

  • September 6 $600

  • October 18 $1,000

Contact Information


  • André Bergeron - Director of Enrolment (POC)

  • Erin Mortenson - Registrar

  • Nelly Meza - Recruiter

  • Edgar Pilapil - Teacher


  • RJ Becbec - Chaplin




905-433-1144 x212 / x265 / x210



  • January 25-February 5, 2025

  • 12 days, including travel days

  • Direct flights in both directions

    WS 2618 - WESTJET
    SAT 25 JANUARY 2025




    WS 2619 - WESTJET
    WED 05 FEBRUARY 2025



    Note: Flight time may change as we get closer to the departure date.

  • Belize Central America. In Santa Elena at Billy White School

  • 26 students, 4 staff and 2 medical personal.

  • There will be 2 male staff and 2 female staff.

    Currently: Teacher, Edgar Pilapil; our Director of Enrolment, André Bergeron; our recruiter, Nelly Meza; and our Registrar Erin Mortenson.

  • By bus from KC to T.O Pearson airport, then a direct flight to Belize. From Transportation in Belize will be using a school bus (from/to airport and other travels within Belize).

    Same thing on the way back.

  • Students and staff will be staying in the mission house in Santa Elena. There are two 30’x30’ rooms (one for female, one for male) with bunk beds and each side has two showers and two toilets and two sinks each. Everything is separate. There are ceiling fans on each side of the rooms about 8 to each side. In that time of the year, the temperature cools down some at night.

  • They will be provided 3 vegetarian meals a day including snacks/fruits and plenty of water.

  • The nearest hospital is about 5 minutes walk from the Mission House. That is the Seventh Day Adventist La Loma Luz Hospital and Clinic, and is located about 13 miles from Billy White school.

  • Usually advised: Tetanus.

    Other vaccines to consider: Hepatitis A; Rabies.

    Selectively advised vaccines - only for those individuals at highest risk: Hepatitis B.

    No yellow fever vaccination certificate required for this country.

    Note: Students are required to bring proof of immunization to prove that all needed immunization is up to date

  • Yes, your child needs to bring any medication they will need for the duration of the trip.

    Additionally, your child will is advised to bring their own anti-malaria medication and travelers Diarrhea medication as prescribed from their doctor.

  • Recommended: enough for food during travel days.

    You may want to give your child some pocket money to purchase breakfast the day of departure or arrange for them to bring a sack breakfast. You may also want to get some Belize dollars for your child as they may want to bring back a souvenir; this amount is left to the parent’s discretion, thought we suggest not to send a large amount.

  • Wake up is at 6am, followed by breakfast 6:30am.

    Next is worship before we head out for a 13 mile bus ride to Billy White School for the mission project work.

  • Please ensure students bring work clothes that you do not mind if they get messy or dirty with cement.

    They will also need work gloves and safety goggles. Steel toe shoes are not necessary, but student must have work shoes.

  • The main project we will be working on is the eating pavilion. We need to put the metal roof, pour cement slab, and build cement tables and chairs.

    Students will also be participating & helping with sports camp (volleyball, basketball, flag football), and participate in Radio LIVE broadcasting - like a talk-show discussion.

  • Yes.

    Additionally, we will have a go-for-run guy for the duration of the trip for supplies and such.

  • No, but the hospital is nearby.

  • The mosquitoes are not so bad at that time of the year, but we encourage students to bring mosquito repellent, afterbite and sunblock.

    NO black flies.

  • No. All contributions to the Mission Project are non-refundable.

  • Yes.

    A Canadian charitable receipt will be issued for contributions of $20 and above.

    Contact mission@kingsway.college or phone 905-433-1144x212 to state your pledge before sending money to the Business office.

    • Please make cheque payable to "Kingsway College", with “Belize 2025 Mission Trip” as a memo.

    • Visa/MasterCard, E-transfer (e-transfer@kingsway.college) or in-person debit payments are also accepted.

  • Yes. Class 1 insurance package as described on this file is included in the cost.

    UNDERWRITTEN BY: Chubb Insurance Company, through Adventist Risk Management, Inc.

    • Medical Expense Benefits

    • Emergency Medical Guarantee of Payment Benefit

    • Emergency Medical Evacuation Benefit

    • Repatriation of Remains Benefit

    However, you may purchase additional health insurance at your discretion.

Work hard, play hard

We will have the opportunity to visit some Mayan ruins, caving, ziplining, and if time and budget permits, we may go island hopping and snorkeling. We will also have an evening with a Mayan family that still lives traditionally the Mayan way, visiting the mission house, showcasing their culture, food, and music.