Power School application and forms

Please make sure all questions are completed and review all forms before submitting them. Any incomplete forms will not be accepted.
We must have ALL forms completed and ALL supplementary documents before processing your child’s application.

Application forms and supplementary documents can be uploaded to your Power School Application Portal or submitted to admissions@kingsway.college.

Please carefully review all the instructions below before downloading the forms. If you have any technical difficulties, please contact the Enrolment Office at admissions@kingsway.college.


A. Student Contact and Information

Form 2:

Statement of Intent

This form must be completed and signed by the student. Additional paper can be used if necessary. Once complete, this form can be uploaded to your Power School Application under Student Contact and Information.

Dorm Lifestyle Survey

This form is form Dorm Students ONLY. It is to help the deans in pairing students. This file is not included in the

PLEASE NOTE: This does NOT mean that this survey asks for your preference but does not guarantee your roommate will fulfill all the characteristics you have noted on the survey.

B. Commitments and Consents

The Consents and Commitments page stipulates that you have read the Student Handbook. Click here to read the Student Handbook. Please make sure you have read and understood the contents.

C. Student Health


  • Students must have a valid Health Card with them at all times while attending Kingsway College. Otherwise a fee of $50 will be incurred for every doctor’s visit.

    • If you are unsure of leaving important documents with your child while they live in student residence, you can leave these documents with the deans, they have a safe to store the documents in.

Form 7:

Consent for Potassium Iodide

Form 7 and the Green Form can be uploaded to your Power School Application Student Health section (Form 3) once complete.

In the event of an accident at the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station emergency procedures are in place for students to be administered potassium iodide pills. This form is to indicate consent (or non-consent) if such an event were to occur.

Immunization Information Request (Green Form)

This form comes from the Durham Region Health Department. Make sure you read both sides of the form.

D. Academic Information

Form 4:

School Official Report


  • There are instructions on the first page for the applicant and the recommender.

  • This form MUST be filled out by the principal or vice-principal of the student’s current school. The form must be returned by the school to Kingsway College (instructions on form) with a Credit Counselling Summary or Transcript.